Episode: 154

5 Poses that Will Make Headstand Effortless, Mythical Story, & More

As I was preparing for today’s podcast episode, I stumbled upon a blog post I wrote nine years ago which delved into the reasons why I am fond of headstands. I discussed its benefits, and drawbacks, and even touched on the mythical story associated with it. Today’s episode is deeply inspired by that blog post.

In today’s episode, I will be unveiling five essential poses that are a must-know. These poses form a checklist for those aspiring to master Shirshasana, the head balance, or aiming to teach it to others. I will also delve into the mythical story of Shirshasana, adding depth and cultural context to this practice.

Additionally, we will explore inversions in general and delve deeper into understanding head balance. It’s not just about whether you can or cannot do a headstand; I will also discuss options for those who are unable to perform a headstand yet, and I will share weightless alternatives towards the end of today’s episode.

I hope this episode enriches your understanding of asana and provides valuable insights for your yoga journey.

Headstand Episode Highlights:

  • What is Shirshasana
  • Shirshasana as the king of all poses
  • The mythical story of Shirshasana
  • Physical benefits of Shirshasana pose
  • Psychological benefits of Shirshasana pose
  • Five non-negotiable headstand preparatory poses
    • Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-facing Dog
    • Uttanasana
    • Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend
    • Chaturanga Dandasana or Four-Limbed Staff Pose
    • Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand Pose, the mother of all poses
  • Alternative options for individuals unable to put weight on their neck or head
  • Headless Headstand

Resources and Links Mentioned:

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