Episode: 155

Audit Your Yoga Education with This Checklist

I am currently immersed in editing my 200-hour manual. It’s one of my favorite annual tasks to update the syllabus and ensure it’s better than the previous year’s. Similar to the headstand episode from last week, this one is also inspired by the upcoming season. My 200-hour program begins in September, just 5 weeks from now, and this episode was created as a source of inspiration for that.

Consider this as a thorough evaluation and comprehensive audit of your yoga education journey thus far. The purpose is to help you accurately assess your current position as a yoga student or instructor. Reflect on the quality of the education you have received so far, whether it has been outstanding, good, average, or below par. Additionally, we aim to explore ways to ensure a holistic and enriching yoga education moving forward.

This episode is essentially designed to function as a detailed checklist. We will delve into ten specific components, and I will guide you through scoring yourself based on your perception of how well you have grasped each aspect and your ability to effectively implement these elements.

Yoga Education Episode Highlights:

  • Focus on how much clarity you get from your teacher instead of solely focusing on the credentials and popularity index.
  • Are you an Asana expert?
  • My non-negotiables whenever I share something about a pose
  • How much pranayama should you learn?
  • Is yoga history and evolution important?
  • How much of the subtle body or Sukshma Sharira do you know?
  • Yoga for special conditions
  • Adaptability of yoga
  • Yoga philosophy and how to live yoga off your mat
  • Teaching skill set
  • The sequencing and the teaching
  • The Invisible stuff

Resources and Links Mentioned:

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