Episode: 157

40 Yoga Poses – Here’s a Pronunciation Guide

Today, I want to share with you a helpful guide that I’ve created for pronouncing Sanskrit yoga pose names. Many people who join yoga teacher trainings express their desire to learn how to correctly pronounce these pose names. In response to this common need, I’ve compiled a list of the most essential yoga poses and will be providing their Sanskrit pronunciations along with their English translations.

This guide is intended to save you the significant cost of enrolling in teacher training just to learn how to pronounce these names. While I couldn’t include every yoga pose, I’ve made sure to cover the most fundamental ones in this episode. The best way for you to benefit from this guide is to listen to the pronunciations and meanings I provide and repeat them after me. I’ll say each pose name multiple times to help you get the pronunciation right, and I’ll also explain the English translation of each name.

Episode Highlights:

  • Standing poses
  • Backbends
  • Inversions
  • Seated poses
  • Balance poses
  • Supine poses

Resources and Links Mentioned:

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