Episode: 118

Contextualizing Ahimsa In Yoga and Making it Relatable in Yoga Classes

In this episode, I want to take a deep dive into what Ahimsa really means. Having a clear context about the term itself will enable us to understand it more effortlessly. This topic is very important because it is a life principle and a practice of refraining from causing harm to all living beings.

This episode is specifically aimed at yoga teachers to help them bring Ahimsa to their yoga students. I want us to take a closer look at how to practice Ahimsa on your yoga mat, extend it into your lives, and how to recognize that Ahimsa is actually working as a life principle.

Ahimsa In Yoga Episode Highlights:

  • What is Ahimsa?
  • A common misconception about Ahimsa
  • Examining the word Ahimsa
  • Ahimsa is more than a “do no harm” slogan
  • How to practice Ahimsa on your yoga mat
  • How to extend Ahimsa into our lives
  • How to recognize that Ahimsa is actually working as a life principle

Resources and Links Mentioned:

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