Episode: 152

Understanding Peace from the Lens of a Swami with Swami Chidananda

I’m excited to welcome Swami Chidananda to the show, our first-ever Swamiji guest. The topic of peace has been on my mind for many months now. Especially given the current state of affairs in the world. With so many lacking peace and suffering beyond what is comprehensible to many of us. I wanted to ask about peace as a practice. Not something that’s a concept. But how do we in our day to day lives remember that we are inherently peaceful beings and recognize this in others.

Swami is a highly regarded spiritual educator and a monk belonging to the venerable Vedic Hari Bhakta lineage, bearing the esteemed title of Swami. He used to be an investment banker who gave up everything to walk this path. His comprehensive studies encompass a profound exploration of the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita.

I hope you find more peace after this conversation. More clarity and a way forward in your yoga practice. Swamiji gives us practical action steps too.

We delve into the profound concepts of detachment, action, karma, and dharma, and his discussions on these topics flow effortlessly, revealing a deep understanding and insight.

I am thrilled to share this conversation with you. I sincerely hope you discover more clarity, contentment, and peace at the end of our conversation.

Peace Episode Highlights:

  • What is peace?
  • The journey to inner peace
  • Suffering or grace: the two ways to grow on the spiritual path
  • How to balance detachment and indifference in reactions when thinking about peace and suffering?
  • Is peace and love the same thing?
  • Where does one begin when trying to cultivate peace, love, and compassion?
  • How does one find their dharma?
  • Is there a sudden change once you understand your dharma?
  • How does one understand the divine?

Resources and Links Mentioned:

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Swami Chidananda

Swami Chidananda is a spiritual educator and monk initiated the Vedic Hari Bhakta Lineage, holding the distinguished title of Swami.

Through the study of scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Swami has gained a deep understanding of the science of Yoga and has devoted his life to helping others on their inner journey.

Before entering the spiritual path, he had a successful career as an investment banker and entrepreneur. Now, he uses his experiences to convey the ancient Yoga Systems in a relatable and accessible way for those seeking to reconcile Western and Eastern philosophies.


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