Episode: 150

A Lazy Yoga Teacher’s Guide to Yogic Living with Savitha Enner

In this episode of the Let’s Talk Yoga podcast, we welcome Savitha Enner, a fellow yoga teacher from Karnataka, India. Savitha shares her unique perspective on living yogic wisdom, which she affectionately calls the “lazy person’s approach.”

I discovered Savitha on Instagram and she has a rich cultural understanding of yoga from her upbringing in Karnataka. She also underwent extensive yoga training after moving to the US, where she now resides.

Savitha breaks down her approach, emphasizing simplicity and removing unnecessary burdens. Her insights help both yoga teachers and practitioners connect with their true needs and understand the inner journey.

Throughout the episode, Savitha touches on concepts like Ahimsa (non-harming) and Asteya (non-stealing) and their practical implications. She also explores the ego and its role in yoga practice.

I hope you find this conversation helpful and that your yoga becomes soft and simple.

Lazy Yoga Teacher Episode Highlights:

  • What is this lazy teacher’s approach?
  • Exploring the pursuit of sustainable inner peace through yoga practice
  • Exploring the concept of ahimsa in yoga practice
  • Prioritizing peace over ego in personal relationships can be challenging but rewarding in the long run.
  • Emphasizing the importance of being true to oneself and showing compassion towards others.
  • Savitha’s advice to a beginner teacher and an experienced teacher
  • “Teaching yoga is a privilege”
  • Learning to be more loving by responding to messages with kindness and creating situations for love to flourish.

Resources and Links Mentioned:

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Savitha Enner

Savitha Enner grew up in India and studied yoga through yogic style from her cultural upbringing . She has integrated these teachings with over 700 hours of teacher training she has taken in the US to help her students adopt the ancient teachings into modern day practices. She continues to study yoga philosophy under her teacher from India and share in YTT and workshops.

Her movement classes are alignment based vinyasa style practices intending to ignite curiosity among her students about their body, energy and mind. She believes that yoga is a practice of self realization and can be cultivated through consistent and dedicated practice. She teaches Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Vedic Chanting and vegetarian cooking classes to immerse Yoga as a foundation for a holistic and purposeful life.



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