Episode: 121

Balancing the Roles of Being a Yoga Teacher and Student with Prasad Rangnekar

A lot of yoga and asana teachers are struggling to maintain that delicate balance between being lifelong students while also navigating the commercial yoga world. Because of this, many yoga teachers go through impostor syndrome and FoMO (Fear of Missing Out).

I consider this matter a genuine problem that needs to be addressed. In fact, my friend, Prasad Rangnekar and I have a lot of offline conversations about this topic and we are undoubtedly on the same wavelength about some of these things. So in this episode, I invite him back to talk all about balancing the roles of being a yoga teacher and student.

Join us in our open-ended conversation where we get to cover everything from overidentifying with one role, the different levels of teachers, the growth curve of a student, philosophical concepts one can hold onto along their yoga journey, and so much more. Prasad also shares his thoughts on recontextualizing the role of yoga teachers in 2023 as it was very different back then compared to today’s modern-yoga world.

I really hope that this conversation will give you so much clarity on how to balance being a yoga teacher and a student and discover that you are actually not alone in struggling with it.

Balancing Yoga Teacher & Student Roles Episode Highlights:

  • The struggle of balancing the roles of being a yoga teacher and a student
  • How do yoga teachers deal with FoMO (fear of missing out) and impostor syndrome
  • How does one ground themselves in studentship?
  • Redefining or recontextualizing the role of a yoga teacher in modern-day yoga
  • Pausing and reflecting
  • Structure for yoga teachers who want to be students

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Prasad Rangnekar

Prasad Rangnekar, E-RYT500, is a Yoga Educator from India who teaches in over 15 countries for the past 26 years. Prasad’s Yoga education started at the age of 9, and over the last 36 years, he has been studying Yoga traditionally, in a lineage, as well as academically, at a university. Prasad regards meditative silence as his greatest teacher and goes into 3 month-long silence retreats every year.

Prasad is associated with the Natha Lineage, the founding lineage of Hatha Yoga, over the last 16 years and has stayed and studied with Natha Yoga Masters in India and Nepal.


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