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#81: Sanātana Dharma, Hinduism & Yoga – A Beginners Guide with Savira Gupta

Being the third largest religion in the world, Sanātana Dharma—or Hinduism as it is more commonly known today—has been interpreted in ways that distort its true meaning. Since it is associated with yoga, which is now heavily commercialized, particularly in the West, more and more self-proclaimed gurus whose knowledge of Hinduism varies from little to […]

#80: The Similarities and Differences Between the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita

Most yoga teachers learn about the Bhagavad Gita & and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in isolation. They’re often discussed as two different texts that have nothing to do with each other. But in fact, the two texts are deeply relevant to the life & journey of a yoga student. But it’s confusing where to […]

#79: History of asana & its evolution with Vikram Jeet Singh

As yoga teachers, most of us start our yoga journey with asana. But did you know that for centuries, yoga poses were not a part of yoga at all? Yoga poses dominate the modern landscape of yoga but it’s the tiniest part of all of yoga. In today’s episode, we explore the history of yoga […]

#77: Ways to Breakdown Beginners Yoga

Thank you for being an avid listener of this podcast. Your unwavering support inspires me to be a better yoga teacher. As you have heard from the previous episodes, I’m launching a new course in May 2022 called “Teaching Yoga to Beginners” and I couldn’t be more excited to share with you some snippets from […]

#76: Must ask questions for yoga teachers wanting more yoga students

The number one question I get asked in my monthly mentorship community by yoga teachers is how to get more yoga students. How to find more students & along these lines. I decided to do a dedicated episode about how to get more yoga students as a yoga teacher. Listen in, as this will be […]

#75: Is This The Most Important Yoga Class You’ll Ever Teach?

A common mistake most yoga teachers make is they put their practice & approach towards yoga the focal point of their yoga journeys. While that’s important when one teaches yoga to others. It’s crucial that we make the student the central point of our focus & efforts. Have you ever wondered what’s the most important […]

#74: What Is The Sukshma Sharira in Yoga with Indu Arora

We live in a fast-paced world and sometimes our body fails to keep up with its demands on a day-to-day basis. If you often find yourself lacking the energy to accomplish your tasks, you might benefit from studying the sukshma sharira in yoga. You have yet to unravel many other components in your yoga journey […]

#73: The Reality of the Yoga Industry with Alexandria Crow

Do you still remember how you started yoga? Where did you sign up for a class? Whom did you approach? However difficult you think it was, I’m certain it was way easier than now. The yoga industry has changed so much and with the way it looks today, it seems there is no stopping it. […]

#72: What is Kundalini with Kaya Mindlin

Most yoga seekers have heard of the kundalini but only in passing. Most of them often confuse the style of kundalini yoga with the Kundalini itself. Especially in the modern yoga world, where misinformation is rampant. It can be hard for a sincere yoga teacher to understand what is kundalini even from the best of […]

#71: My Yoga Story

 I’ve been getting a lot of questions from you about my background and how I got into yoga. I would like to answer your questions by sharing this special episode with you. Today, I talk about my life from when I was little to when I began my yoga journey. I usually don’t talk much […]


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