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#111: Cultural Appropriation 2.0 with Vikram Jeet Singh

More than two years ago when the podcast was launched, I did a cultural appropriation of yoga episode because it was specifically a topic that we as Indian yoga teachers get questions about. But I haven’t really gone back to it since because I feel like the yoga world is indulging too much in the […]

#110: Managing the Mind with Yoga with Pavel Dmitriev

Have you ever wondered why our minds are so full of thoughts and are restless? Is there actually a way that we can manage our minds? The last time I checked, I think there are more or less 60,000 thoughts we have per day, which is just mind-blowing. To shed some light on this interesting […]

#109: Mythological Story of Shavasana & Why You Roll to the Right

Practicing Shavasana as a lifestyle tool is very significant nowadays. It is of very practical use for our nervous system, our bodies, brains, cardiovascular health, and for so many other physical reasons. It is actually a topic that has been on my mind more recently.  The good thing is that Shavasana is one of the […]

#108: 5 Ways to Take Your Yoga Beyond Asana in Yoga Class

As a yoga teacher trainer & mentor I often get asked, how can you take your asana students into deeper yoga? It’s a well known fact that millions begin yoga through asana aka yoga poses by walking into a yoga studio or by trying a video on YouTube, but it is difficult to keep them […]

#107: What is Advanced Yoga with Vikram Jeet Singh

In Episode 100 of the Let’s Talk Yoga Podcast, I’ve invited five yoga teachers who have been on the show multiple times to briefly share with us what advanced yoga means to each one of them to serve as an entryway to more conversations about what advanced yoga really is and whether it is valid […]

#106: The Missing Context of the 8 Limbs of Yoga with Prasad Rangnekar

In popular yoga, there is so much confusion because of surface-level information. Here in America, it seems like many yoga teachers think that yoga is a linear step-by-step process. People are trying to template it which results in many people walking away from their practice of yoga thinking that yoga doesn’t seem to work for […]

#105: Pranayama Masterclass & Last Chance to Enroll

On the podcast today, we’re doing one final deep dive into pranayama. I’m repurposing an older episode that we published last year. Where I take you through a pranayama masterclass. Essentially, this is you actually sit down and practicing virtual pranayama through the medium of this podcast with me. The episode begins with me giving […]

#104: How Much Pranayama Do You Really Need?

How much pranayama do you really need? Is there something like too much pranayama in our practice? These are just some of the questions I’ll be getting into in today’s conversation. Many yoga teachers and students think that pranayama is a boring or dull thing that we have to do in yoga. Unfortunately, this kind […]

#103: Where Does Pranayama Really Begin? Answer revealed…

Where does pranayama actually begin in your yoga journey? Have you ever wondered? I’m in this season right before my annual Pranayama Yoga Teacher Training begins. Every year when this training comes around, I make it a point to spend an immersive month on the podcast talking about pranayama and bringing up different aspects of […]

#102: Want to Teach Pranayama After Teaching Asana? Listen Up!

How do you know you are ready to do a deep dive into pranayama study? When do you know you are ready to teach pranayama? And why is it even necessary to ask these two questions in the first place? This is crucial if you are someone who is invested in a long-term steady practice […]


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