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#91: Prana & Pranayama with Prasad Rangnekar

On the show today, I invited back our frequent guest, Prasad Rangnekar. What prompted me to ask him to come back on the show was to talk about the new online course that he is launching on July 14th, 2022 — literally a week away as this episode drops — called Prana & Pranayama. I […]

#90: The Law of Karma & what you’ve gotten wrong with Medha Narwani

A lot of people nowadays only have surface-level knowledge about karma. It’s often misunderstood and oversimplified in various contexts. For instance, you might be under the impression that karma is the consequence of our own “actions”. You reap what you sow, whether it be good or bad. Surprisingly, it’s actually more than just our actions […]

#89: Prana Decoded with Indu Arora

I know we’ve had Indu Arora a number of times on this podcast already, and that’s because she is just full of wisdom to impart to us in understanding yoga in a more thoughtful way while also embracing its roots. She’s back to help us understand prana in-depth in this episode. In a previous conversation […]

#88: Yoga Quiz – Do You Know The Answers?

Since my Teaching Yoga to Beginners Training is literally just around the corner, this short episode is going to be slightly different from my usual format. It’s a yoga quiz. This is going to be an interactive one where I’m going to be providing a number of scenarios and questions related to teaching yoga or […]

#87: What Actually is Hatha Yoga with Prasad Rangnekar

In the modern and popular world of yoga, there is widespread misinformation about the tradition and the path of Hatha Yoga. Its rich history is often forgotten or laid aside and replaced with various misleading interpretations. As a yoga teacher, do you know what is hatha yoga? Because every modern yoga teacher is borrowing from […]

#86: 3 Yoga Sequencing Principles for Beginners

As a yoga & asana teacher, I see the tremendous need for high-quality asana teachers who aren’t just good with yoga sequencing but can actually contextualize and lay a rock-solid foundation for yoga. This has been my primary motivator throughout my career to showcase the best of yoga to my students no matter what stage […]

#85: Top 5 Must-Know Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with Anvita Dixit

If you’re currently thinking of other ways to immerse yourself even more in the yoga practice, you should consider learning about the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. I know that there is this perception that philosophy and texts that are written in Sanskrit can be quite difficult to understand. That may be true. But there are […]

#84: How to Find a “Good” Yoga Teacher & Responsibility of a Yoga Student Teaching Yoga…

Some of the previous episodes of this podcast, I’ve spoken about how important it is to find the right teacher when you want to start your path in yoga. This stage of crucial decision-making can either make or break your yoga journey. But in the world we live in today, how easy is it to […]

#83: 7-Step Process to Nailing Asana Sequencing as a Yoga Teacher

If you teach yoga, chances are you teach yoga asana aka the physical practice of yoga. Yoga sequencing or asana sequencing is a challenge every yoga teacher faces at some point in their yoga journey. Especially if you’ve “vinyasa”-ed your way through your physical practice, this can be harder to grasp. Asana sequencing or yoga […]

#82: Marma Nadi: A Bridge Between Ayurveda and Yoga

Yoga, as a way of life, affects positive change in our day-to-day experiences.  It helps us find peace in the middle of a fast-paced environment and improves our physical state just as well. Do you notice how the flow of prana in your body changes when you meditate or do asana? A lot of yoga […]


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